The Wool Enthusiast Podcast- Introduction! 8/10/2020
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Hi! My name is Luke Gilligan and this is the Wool Enthusiast Podcast, a weekly podcast about my crafty and knitting life. Each week I will talk about a project that I have been working on and then answer a few questions from my followers! Make sure to stay up to date with my fiber journey! You can find me on Instagram as @woolenthusiast, Ravelry as WoolEnthusiastCo and
Recap of the Episode:
I will have 3 segments on each episode:
1.) I will share the history and backstory of one of my favorite posts that I have shared.
2.) Answering your Questions:
With this segment I will answer some of the questions that I have recieved over the past week. If you have any questions that you would like me to answer, feel free to DM me on Instagram or email me below!
3.) Public Knowledge:
With this segment I will share with you some of my favorite things that happened in the knitting community over the last week. This will mainly consist of sharing recently published patterns or simply some amazing knitters that I thought you should know about! I love to share and support you guys, so if you have a pattern you just released or have seen something that you think I should know about, feel free to email me below or again, DM on Instagram!
I am so excited to start this podcast! I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to subscribe or follow on whatever platform you were listening on so you can recieve a notification every time I upload a new episode!